InnRoad™ Protect
Generic name
Fluxing agent
Family / Type / Category
Additives for anhydrous bituminous binders
/ Fluxing agents
/ Fluxing Agents

Solvay (formerly Rhodia)
Generic name
Fluxing agent
Family / Type / Category
Additives for anhydrous bituminous binders
/ Fluxing agents
/ Fluxing Agents
Solvay (formerly Rhodia)
Generic name
Vegetal fluxing agent
Family / Type / Category
Additives for anhydrous bituminous binders
/ Fluxing agents
/ Vegetal fluxing agents
Generic name
Crosslinking agent
Family / Type / Category
Additives for anhydrous bituminous binders
/ Rheological additives for binders
/ Crosslinking agents
Solvay (formerly Rhodia)
Generic name
Bio-based rejuvenator
Family / Type / Category
Additives for anhydrous bituminous binders
/ Rejuvenators
/ Hot rejuvenators
Generic name
Bio-based rejuvenator
Family / Type / Category
Additives for anhydrous bituminous binders
/ Rejuvenators
/ Hot rejuvenators
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