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You formulate road materials?

RoadMat helps you identify and compare additives and raw materials, teaches you how they work thanks to the Technical Notes and Case Studies and keeps you up-to-date

You supply products?

RoadMat allows you to promote your products, discover alternate solutions, helps you position them and foster new product design and new business development. RoadMat publishes Case Studies for formulators to better understand the benefits of your products and how they can be used. Please contact us if you need additional information (info@roadmat.com)

You are active in the road community?

RoadMat gives you excellent visibility within the technical community by becoming a sponsor. RoadMat can publish Technical Notes on any relevant technical topic. Please contact us if you need additional information


RoadMat provides consulting services for any topic related to road materials (R&D, formulation, market positioning, business plan, technical support and training, forensic analysis...). For more information, please contact us: info@roadmat.com

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